If you have any questions after purchase, please contact info in time.

1.If the product is damaged or has quality problems?

You do not need to return it if the product arrives spoiled or damaged, please send us some photos, we will resend or refund it after checking your photos.

2.How to return?

If the item is unused and of good quality within 7 days you receive the parcel, and you are unhappy with the product for any reason, we will gladly refund after receiving the returned parcel. And put all the items in a good package to protect them well.Please email us first before returning the parcel, it is helpful to receive the parcel successfully.

3.Where should return?

Send the parcel to our designated address.

4.Charge of return?
You need pay the shipping charge of return.

5.Time of refund?
We will check the return parcel with 3 working days and refund with 7 working days.